American Robin

This is again an exceedingly common organism in and around Lexington. I found this American Robin (Turdus migratorius) on Worthen Road, across from the Captain Parker Arms area. They are gray in color, with a bright orange underside, black heads, and a white patch on the tail. Robins, along with many other prey animals, haveContinue reading “American Robin”

Common Greenshield Lichen

This time, I want to spotlight a kind of organism that no one ever really pays attention to. I photographed these Common Greenshield Lichen (Flavoparmelia caperata) around the Lexington Reservoir. These lichen are one of the most common lichen in North America, and are actually composed of two organisms–the fungus Flavoparmelia caperata and green algae–livingContinue reading “Common Greenshield Lichen”

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